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Calm Wasserkocher


Gönn dir eine wohlverdiente Auszeit mit dem Russell Hobbs Calm Wasserkocher. Sanfte, farbige Beleuchtung, optionale beruhigende Klänge und die variable Temperaturregelung sorgen dafür, dass du dein Lieblingsheißgetränk ganz einfach auf Knopfdruck genießen kannst. Mit seinem hochwertigen mattierten Glas, eleganten kupferfarbenen Akzenten und dem modernen digitalen Touch-Display wird er zum stilvollen Highlight in deiner Küche.

  • Wechselnde Innenbeleuchtung mit beruhigenden Klängen

  • Variable Temperatureinstellung 

  • Quiet-Boil-Technologie

  • Warmhaltefunktion

Documents & Support

Calm Wasserkocher User Manuals

User Manual

Product Registration & Warranty

Registriere dein Produkt

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Informationen zur Garantie

Wir ersetzen Produkte, die innerhalb der Garantiezeit defekt sind, wenn das Produkt gemäß den Anweisungen verwendet und gewartet wird. Für Ersatzteile für dieses Produkt gilt eine Garantie von einem Jahr. Deine gesetzlichen Rechte bleiben davon unberührt.

Technical Specifications

White & Copper
Leistung (Watt)
1.7 Liter


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FAQs (15)

What are the colours of the Calm Kettle lighting?
Orange, yellow, green, blue, violet and red, displayed in that order.
Can the kettle illuminate without heating water?
Yes, the kettle can be placed into ‘demo mode’ which displays light and optionally plays the sounds, without needing to be boiling water.
Is it possible to select just one colour to be displayed?
No, the colours cycle through in a pattern throughout the heating cycle. Once the kettle has reached either boil or the selected temperature, the colours will change to a continuous white to indicate keep warm mode. The white light turns off at the end...
Does the lighting also indicate the status of the boiling cycle, for example does it start with a certain colour and end with another one?
No, colour displayed does not indicate temperature or time to finish. The colours will continue to loop in a pattern until the desired temperature is reached.
How many music tracks does the kettle have?
5 tracks, all composed exclusively for the Calm Kettle.
Are the sounds pre-programmed?
Yes, they are. The sounds are musical tracks designed specifically for the Calm Kettle.
Can the kettle play music without heating water?
Yes, the kettle can be placed into ‘demo mode’ which displays light and optionally plays the sounds, without needing to be boiling water.
Can the sound be turned off?
Yes, there is the option to select multiple music tracks OR no music. 
Can the volume of the music be controlled?
Yes, there is a volume setting built into the display, to allow the user to control the desired level.
Does the music play at the same time as the kettle boiling?
The music will play during the boil and keep warm cycles, as well as during demo mode. Although there is an option to switch the music off for any/all of these cycles.
Is the kettle controllable via an app?
No, the Calm Kettle is not app controlled. It does have a digital display and touch control.
Does the kettle have AI built in?
No, the AI tools were used part of the design process. But the kettle itself does not have AI functionality.
Did we not need a human designer for this product?
We did need human designers. The design was absolutely human-led by our expert design team. The AI was used as a tool to enhance the concepting process – the insights were used to build a brief or ‘prompts’ for the AI tools to give the best results back...
What material is the kettle made from?
The main materials are: glass kettle body, some plastic parts and stainless steel.
What is the copper part made from?
The top part of the kettle body is a stainless steel, with a copper glaze applied for colour. The kettle lid is a high quality plastic with a copper glaze, allowing a soft opening, push to open lid technology with no drips or splashing.
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